Shiny Bits of Scripture

Sunday June 22 – Friday June 27, 2025
Presenter: Alice Camille
Mass Presider: Fr. Bob Schremmer
Fees:   Overnight $495 (includes room and meals)
Commuter: $395 (includes lunch and supper)
Daily Fee: $70 (includes lunch)

Registration Deadline is June 11, 2025

Most often we approach our sacred story in the context of liturgy. There we hear excerpted passages outside their original context. In bible study we also consider one book of Scripture at a time, taken apart from its greater narrative flow. What if we gathered up these shiny bits of Scripture and thematically put them together? By putting them together, we are able to come to appreciate their integrity as the sacred authors did. This retreat will attempt to do that from the perspective of five important biblical ideas:

  •  Follow the Leader: Biblical Models of Leadership
  •  You’ve Got a Friend: The Nature of Friendship
  •  Seeing the Forest: Trees as Characters in the Bible
  •  The Wisdom Quest: How the Faithful Just Say No
  • Subversive Memories: Women as Biblical Disrupters



Alice Camille is a nationally known writer, religious educator, and retreat leader. She is the author of over 20 books including This Transforming Word and A Little Book of Light.
